柏油漲54% 衝擊道路工程
〔記 者曾慧雯、林毅璋、黃宣弼、陳詩婷、施曉光、編譯王錦時/綜合報導〕原油價格持續上漲,柏油今起從每公噸一萬一千元調高為一萬七千元,漲幅達五成四。台灣 中油表示,上一次調漲柏油售價是去年二月九日,此回一次調足。營建署坦言,柏油價格的調漲對於道路工程的造價一定會有影響。
〔記 者曾慧雯、林毅璋、黃宣弼、陳詩婷、施曉光、編譯王錦時/綜合報導〕原油價格持續上漲,柏油今起從每公噸一萬一千元調高為一萬七千元,漲幅達五成四。台灣 中油表示,上一次調漲柏油售價是去年二月九日,此回一次調足。營建署坦言,柏油價格的調漲對於道路工程的造價一定會有影響。
狂升2.81角 台幣衝破31元 |
央行雙升利率匯率 專家:可舒緩進口物價壓力 |
By Duncan Bartlett Business reporter, BBC News, Moscow |
澳大利亞有「幸運國度」(Lucky Country)之稱,這絕非空洞口號,而是事實。國土面積774萬平方公里、總人口約2,100萬的澳洲,是地球上少數幾個地廣人稀、物產豐隆足以維持西方國家生活品質的地方之一。
這 個局面能維持多久?澳洲官方研究機構「澳洲地質科學」(Geoscience Australia)執行長威廉斯(Neil Williams)說,澳洲礦業的長遠發展,要靠「有效的探勘採掘」,而礦產探勘行動需要先進的地質科學知識與整合研究,才能壓低尋找礦藏目標時的風險。
若以目前人口計算人類要至少蓋五百座以上的核能電廠 |
聯合國:全球穀物存量跌至20年新低 生物燃料助升糧價 鉅亨網查淑妝‧台北綜合報導 02/14 14:40 |
2008/02/13 04:09
依2007年的長約價格,鐵礦砂每噸約是70美元,比現貨市場成交價每噸便宜100美元左右,全球75%的鐵礦砂是由澳洲的BHP、巴西的Rio Tino及CVRD三家礦商所壟斷,新一年度的談判去年底開始至今始終沒有進展,期間傳出的50%甚至100%的漲幅,都不被買方接受。也因為這關係到未來一年全球鋼價走向,各國鋼鐵界及政府都投以高度關切。
![]() The soaring cost of food is being passed on down the supply chain
Commodity boom continues to roll
Mining giant bid ignites concerns By Katie Hunt Business Reporter, BBC News The two firms control a third of the world's iron ore supplies The world's biggest miner wants to be even bigger. Not content with annual revenue equal to the size of Vietnam's economy, Anglo-Australian mining giant BHP Billiton has formalised a bid to buy close rival Rio Tinto. The $147bn (£74.8bn) offer sets the stage for the world's second-largest takeover. The bold move is raising hackles among the many countries that depend on the raw materials the mining firms provide, especially China. Together, the two companies would control a third of world's supply of iron ore, the chief raw material for steel, and around 10% of copper and aluminium supplies. It would also dominate the production of uranium, which fuels nuclear power plants. "Having control over a greater percentage of the worldwide supply of iron ore, and other commodities, gives them a much stronger negotiating position," says Charles Kernot, metals and mining analyst at Seymour Pierce. Chinese unease China potentially has the most to lose should the proposed merger go through. The two firms supply about 40% of China's iron ore imports and are believed to be aiming at a 70% price hike this year. BHP Boss Marius Kloppers has made a bold move China's white-hot economic growth has created an insatiable demand for steel to help power its manufacturing juggernaut. In the early years of its rush to industrialise, the country's domestic mining kept pace with demand. But since 2000, China has been forced to buy from overseas, with iron ore imports totalling 383 million tonnes last year - a 17.4% rise. Iron ore prices have almost tripled over the past decade from around $38 to $110 a tonne. Most of China's iron ore imports come from the deposits mined by Rio and BHP in the rusty coloured earth of Australia's outback - dubbed the world's quarry. Spoiling tactics Given its huge appetite for raw materials, some have viewed China's decision to spend $14bn on a 9% stake in Rio Tinto, the country's biggest overseas investment, just days before a deadline requiring BHP to submit a formal bid as a blocking tactic. China fears that a merger of Rio and BHP could put a stranglehold on iron ore supplies. Rio and BHP supply 40% of China's iron ore imports The state-run Aluminium Corp of China, or Chinalco, teamed up with US firm Alcoa to buy the stake in Rio's London listed shares. John Meyer, head of commodities at Fairfax Investment Bank, says every $10 per tonne increase in iron ore prices means China has to pay an extra $4bn to Rio and BHP. "You can see why they might want to throw one or two billion dollars to stop this deal going through," he told BBC News. There is speculation that China might now launch its own bid to take control of Rio Tinto but analysts say this could be a step too far given unease, especially in Australia, about foreign ownership of strategic assets. More likely, they say, is that China wants a seat at the table and has its sights on some of Rio's supplies of bauxite and alumina - the main products of Chinalco. "It's difficult to know whether China's bid is politically motivated or whether Chinalco, with Alcoa, are after some aluminium assets," says Mr Kernot. Competition fears China is by no means alone in fearing a merger of Rio and BHP. Regulators in South Africa, Canada, the US, the European Union and steelmakers in Japan have all expressed reservations. "This is going to be a very long process. The EU investigation is likely to be most detailed," Mr Kernot says. But before regulators can pore over the details, Rio's shareholders must accept the proposed takeover and this is no sure-fire deal. On Wednesday, Rio Tinto's board rejected the proposal saying it did not reflect the value of the firm but it left the door open to a higher offer. BHP had sweetened its original informal approach, offering 3.4 of its shares for every Rio Tinto share - better than the previous three-for-one proposal. This values Rio Tinto at around £54, still short of the £60 per share China was prepared to shell out. Chinalco and Alcoa said they were "monitoring developments". No matter what the next move in the saga, who controls the raw materials that form the backbone of the world economy will continue to be a source of concern.
The rise comes as other major central banks are cutting interest rates to ease an economic downturn.
Australia's resource-rich economy has continued to expand due to a sustained rally in commodity prices.
Chinese demand for raw materials has allowed Australia to lessen its reliance on the United States, which is on the brink of a recession.
The Reserve Bank of Australia has raised the cost of borrowing 11 times since 2002.
BHP given Rio takeover deadline
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方面可能已成定局, 但感情變化方面, 如果結了婚或正在懷孕的話, 則不需擔心,
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